Eagles launch Junior Wheelchair Rugby League sessions
The Eagles Foundation are delighted to announce the launch of a new weekly Wheelchair Rugby League session for young people on Tuesday evenings, 5-6pm at the English Institute of Sport (EIS), beginning on 3rd October.
The sessions will be fun and engaging and will promote the development of wheelchair movement and rugby-specific skills, as well as self-confidence and independence. Young people aged 16 or under, of any gender, are invited to join, and sessions will be fully inclusive for disabled and non-disabled people. All equipment will be provided by the Eagles Foundation at each session, and no experience of wheelchair sports or Wheelchair Rugby League is necessary. For the time being, every session will be offered completely free of charge.
The launch of the Junior sessions has been supported by a Sport England grant, and in partnership with Sheffield City Trust, who operate the facilities at the EIS.
Wheelchair Rugby League has seen a huge increase in popularity since last year’s Rugby League World Cup, with our own Sheffield Eagles senior team seeing a vast increase in participation from across the city. The Foundation are delighted to be able to provide a session specifically for young people in Sheffield to experience Wheelchair Rugby League, develop new skills, make friends, and realise their potential.
If you are interested in Junior Wheelchair Rugby League, or know someone who is, or would like more information about the sessions, contact Jack Pemberton, Eagles Foundation Disability Inclusion Officer, viajack.pemberton@eaglesfoundation.co.uk