Sheffield Eagles Official Website

Betfred Championship EVOGO

1. Sheffield Eagles ('Club Management') reserves the right of admission to the ground. On no account will admission be granted to a person who is the subject of a current Exclusion order or a person convicted of any football related offence.

2. All matches will be played in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Rugby Football League.

3. Play cannot be guaranteed to take place on a particular day or a particular time. The club management reserves the right to change its advertised fixtures without notice or liability.

4. Sheffield Eagles reserves the right to refuse admission to the ground, to any person(s) who refuse to be searched by any servant, agent or third party hired on behalf of the club or by any on duty member of the Police service.

5. In the event of a match being postponed or abandoned, any refund of the admission charge will be at the sole discretion of the Club management. This is subject to a time limitation, the details of which are obtained from the Sheffield Eagles Club Office. Persons entering the ground are advised to retain their ticket, as this may be required to be produced at a later date.

6. The following items are not permitted within the stadium and may be confiscated: flares, fireworks, smoke canisters, knives, bottles, glasses, cans, flags, banners, poles, similar articles and containers which might be used as a weapon or missile, stools, crates, fold-up chairs, pushchairs and children’s car seats.

7. The throwing of any object within the Ground is strictly forbidden.

8. It is an offence to use foul and abusive language, obscene chanting or racial abuse. Action will be taken against any individual(s) indulging in such acts which may result in explusion, banning orders and further action from the police.

9. Unauthorised persons are strictly forbidden from entering upon the field of play, unless advised to do so in the case of an emergency. Individuals entering upon the field of play without permission may be charged with aggravated trespass resulting in a ban from the ground.

10. The obstructing of gangways, access ways, exits and entrances, stairways and / or similar places and standing in seated areas whilst play is in progress is strictly forbidden.

11. The climing of any structure within the Ground is strictly forbidden.

12. Any person(s) attempting to gain admission to the ground or found within a restrictive area without the appropiate authorisation may be ejected from the ground and be given a banning order.

13. The action of taking photographs or video footage inside of the ground is strictly limited to those authorised by the Sheffield Eagles. This includes Press & Media representatives holding official RFL Accreditation and authorised opposition staff. Recording within the ground for any purposes, public or private, is not permitted except without written prior consent by the club. 

14. Only persons specifically authorised in writing by the Club Management are permitted to distribute either without charge or offer for sale within the Ground any newspapers, periodicals, any other articles or any form of product or service.

15. Any person found damaging or defacing property within the Stadium will be prosecuted.

16. Persons failing to comply with instructions from Club Management, Steward(s) or any other authorised agent of the Club may be ejected from the Ground.

17. Sheffield Eagles reserves the right for its servants and agents to remove from the ground any person who does not comply with these Ground Regulations, the Rules and Regulations of the RFL and the Safety of Sports Grounds Acts 1975 or whose presence within the Ground is, or could, reasonably be construed as constituting a source of danger, nuisance or annoyance to any other person.

18. Any food or drink, including alcohol being brought into the ground is strictly forbidden and will only be permitted at the discretion of the Club Managment or servants / agents of the club and will be handled on a case by case basis. 

19. All young persons have a right to be safe and enjoy activities at the ground. Please ensure that any children under the age of 16 are accompanied by a responsible adult. In the event of an incident involving a junior within the ground, the adult will be held totally responsible.

20. Smoking is not permitted within the ground – this includes electronic cigarettes. We treat electronic cigarettes as lit cigarettes. As the ground is currently classed as 'open air' discretion may be given by club managment or servants / agents acting on behalf of the club. Discretion will be given on a case by case basis.

21. All attendees at the ground consent to being filmed or recorded (images and sound) by or on behalf of us, the Organiser or another authorised third party, and consent to their images (or likenesses) being used in any film, recording, photograph or other footage (“Recording”) of the Event. All rights in the Recording shall be owned by the Organiser, authorised third party or us absolutely. You agree that any Recording may be used by us, the Organiser or authorised third party in any media and for any purpose throughout the world, including, without limitation, for promotional materials and activities, merchandise, DVD’s or other commercial activities. No payment or compensation for use of your image or likeness shall be payable to you. 

22. All persons entering the ground are admitted only subject to their acceptance of the above Ground Regulations. Entry to the ground is on this condition and if you are in breach of the rules and regulations you will be removed from the ground.

23. During match day entertainment (pre, half time and post-match) there will be use of pyrotechnics, flashing floodlights, special effects and flash photography used.

24. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Club hereby excludes any liability for the loss, injury of damage to persons/property in or around the Ground.

25. Sheffield Eagles generally welcome flags and music instruments (drums, trumpets etc.) however rules and regulations govern this stance. This includes:

Flag poles should not exceed 1m in length.

- Club Management reserves the right to confiscate any flags that do not comply with the ground regulations and in particular any flags the content of which is offensive, inflammatory, defamatory or discriminatory.
- The obstruction of gangways, access routes, exits, entrances Health and Safety Signage is strictly prohibited.
- Any use of overhead flags must have the permission of the Ground Safety Officer prior to use. These flags must be fireproofed (fire retardant) and the fire safety certificate must be produced to the Ground Safety Officer prior to use. Flags must not be used in such a way as to restrict the views of other spectators.
- Spectators wishing to bring any Flags or instruments must contact and gain consent from Operations Director - Mark Hannigan on

26. In line with all other grounds & stadia, Sheffield Eagles reserve the right to carry out bag searches as a condition of entry to the ground.

27. Sheffield Eagles are a tenant of the Olympic Legacy Park ground facility only and not the surronding public spaces and as such reiterate point 24 of the Ground Regulations.

28. Flags are not permitted within Olympic Legacy Park.

Published by the Sheffield Eagles 2000 Ltd in accordance with RFL Operational Rules.