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SESA hand over first £1000 donation to Eagles


Sheffield Eagles Supporters Association (SESA) have handed over their first £1000 donation to the club.

As part of their Squadbuilder, SESA has seen a healthy amount of support from Eagles fans and this has been applauded by the club.

SESA Chair Steve Dalton said: “SESA is delighted by the efforts by all the fans who have contributed to the Squadbuilder Project over the last 6 months, and we are pleased to be able to hand over our first contribution of £1000 to the club,”

“This is only the beginning of an exciting journey for both the club and its fans, and as an organisation we want to be there as a critical friend to support  where we can.

“Anyone wishing to get involved in Squadbuilder can find details on how to sign up on, and monthly contributions start from as little as £5”

Eagles GM Liam Claffey added: “On behalf of everyone at Sheffield Eagles I’d like to thank the Supporters Association and everyone who has so far contributed to the Squadbuilder fund,”
“It’s no secret that the club have probably fallen behind others, due to circumstance, in areas such as this.
“It’s fantastic that SESA are working so pro-actively to support and I can’t express enough how key this will be moving forward.
“We look forward to SESA growing and working with the club more and more over the coming months.
“It’s imperative that the association sits independently from the club however, with its own voice and one that can air the views of supporters as a collective body.
“We as a club, where appropriate, should rightfully be held to account for our actions and challenge ‘the business’ for the decisions it makes.
“SESA will be able to do that as well as supporting the club too; whether it be financially such as the brilliant efforts with Squadbuilder so far or that collective voice helping lend to support within the city.
“Early days but we are extremely pleased and grateful for these wonderful efforts during such strange and difficult times."