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Vacancy: Rugby League Development Officer


Rugby League Development Officer £24,000 p.a

Employed by the Eagles Foundation and working in partnership with Sheffield City Council, Sheffield City Trust, Sheffield Eagles and The Rugby Football League to implement and deliver a Rugby League Development Plan for the city of Sheffield, we are looking to appoint a Rugby League Development Officer.

About the role: You will work to implement and deliver a Rugby League development plan for Sheffield, working with a range of partners in the community to grow participation in Rugby League, introducing new initiatives such as mental health interventions, health and fitness schemes and create opportunities for volunteers to gain new skills, diversifying the sport’s participation within the city.

Initially a two-year fixed term contract, this full-time role will ensure that the city of Sheffield capitalises on the once in a generation opportunity of hosting the Rugby League World Cup 2021, by harnessing the heightened interest of Rugby League in the city.

About you: You will already have hands on delivery experience within sport, health or community setting and ideally an interest in Rugby League. You will have experience of coaching or working with young people, especially of primary age, and will have experience of forging and servicing successful partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders.

You will have experience of applying for, managing, delivering and reporting against funded projects and will demonstrate excellent communication skills, with a good working knowledge of IT and Microsoft 365 software and demonstrate the required qualifications outlined in the job description.

How to apply: Applicants should send their CV and a covering letter of no more than 1,000 words which will explain their suitability and experience, making specific reference the person specification detailed in the job descriptions.

Applications should be emailed to no later than 09.00 on Monday 5th April 2021.

Applicants wishing to have an informal discussion about the role may contact Adam Hughes, / 07595 520 185.

Equal Opportunities: We are an equal opportunity employer and we will ensure that no applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

The Include Foundation, Sheffield Eagles, Banners Building, 620 Attercliffe Road, Sheffield, S9 3QS Registered Charity: 1089364

Full Job Description: Click Here

Full Job Advert: Click Here

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form: Click Here